Uintah Masonic Lodge #7
Free and Accepted Masons of Utah
143 West 1000 North
Bountiful, Utah 84010
First Meeting on September 8, 1880 (UD)
Chartered November 23, 1880 in Park City, Utah
Now Meeting in Bountiful, Utah
Regular Meeting: 7:30 PM First Wednesday of Each Month
(Dark July & August)
at Bountiful Masonic Center, Bountiful, Utah
(click here for map and directions)
We meet at 6:30 PM at The Bountiful Masonic Center
for a Fellowship Dinner prior to our Regular Meeting.
Price of dinner is $7.00
Dinner is being Catered.
Please Scroll Down for the Lodge Schedule
June 15th, 2005
Turn Off the Television
Call A Friend
And Come to Lodge!
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©2000-2005 William Hall, P.M.
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